Navigating Change.
Change is the only constant.
How many times have you heard this statement? I have come across it dozens of times. It is common to desire consistency and comfort in our lives, however, that is not the way things go. Nope, life asks us to get uncomfortable all of the time. Adjusting isn’t always easy or fun, but it is necessary to a well-lived life.
What kind of adjustments have you recently made? I can already imagine a few. See if any of these ring a bell:
Graduating from college
Bringing home a child
Working remotely
Moving to a new town
Divorcing your partner
Managing a health crisis
Evolving sexually
As a human, you are wired to adapt, yet it may not feel that way. Automatic thoughts, feelings, and beliefs get in the way, along with a general desire to stay comfortable. Change in disruptive in nature and that must be tolerated. Let’s sit down and process the change you’re moving through. I want you to recognize your strength, skills, and overall resiliency.